Current Operations
Oxted Quarry, located on Chalkpit Lane, is a large industrial operation extracting chalk and providing infill for construction waste.
The site is presently operating at up to 120 HGV lorry movements per day. However, a recent appeal decision confirmed that the quarry can operate up to 200 HGV lorry movements per day operating between the hours of 7am and 6pm, Monday to Friday, and up to 100 HGV movements between 7am and 3pm on Saturday. This can take place for the next 20 years.
Significant concerns have been expressed by local residents about HGV lorry movements and in response, Southern Gravel, the operator of the Quarry, is now consulting with the local community on the future of the site. We are seeking views on the anticipated further increase in HGV movements and whether there would be support for an alternative housing proposal which would result in the closure of the quarry
Public Consultation on Future Options
A public consultation on our proposals to close the quarry on receipt of a planning permission for a scheme of 75 homes and 57 acres of public open space was held on Thursday 14th July 2022, and Saturday 16th July 2022. This follows an earlier consultation on different proposals in November 2021.
The current proposals as consulted upon in 2022 can be viewed on the Our Proposals tab. An Outline Planning application will be made in Summer 2023.